I started acupuncture in December and will admit that I was a bit skeptical, but the pain in my foot was too bad not to at least give it a try. I was amazed at how quickly it started to feel better. Now foot pain is a thing of the past. I’ve had sinus problems all of my life so now Owen is working on that and is showing great improvement. It’s amazing how the body can be made more healthy and less painful with acupuncture. As for Owen and Mollie I can’t say enough. They truly want to help people. They teach you how the body reacts to acupuncture and how important it is to go to the source of the issue and make the repair as opposed to taking medications to cover it up. They explain that medical doctors and surgery are still needed, but if a condition can be nipped in the bud, before it gets to the point of complete failure it’s a huge benefit to the body. Owen first makes an evaluation of your condition and let’s you know if thinks he will be able to help you. It has done wonders for me. Thanks Mollie and Owen.
-John M.