Do you suffer from chronic pain or sleep problems? Acupuncture is a natural health treatment that could help alleviate some of your medical struggles. The expert acupuncturists at the Acupuncture Medical Center will help reduce your reliance on medications. Make an appointment at our clinic near Granite Bay, CA, to get started.
Holistic Health Treatment
For thousands of years, acupuncture has helped individuals heal and overcome a variety of health problems. Some health problems acupuncture can help with include arthritis, diabetes, pain, and weakness.
By using needles to place pressure on certain parts of your body, we encourage the body to heal itself without the use of drugs. We combine acupuncture treatments with natural herbs and supplements to promote whole-body wellness.
Expert Acupuncturist
With a five-year degree in oriental medicine and several years of experience, the medical professionals at the Acupuncture Medical Center are prepared to provide safe and effective acupuncture treatment. Our purpose is to help every individual live a healthier and happier life. If you are tired of ineffective medication, bring your medical struggles to our team, and you’ll feel better in no time.
Call our clinic at (916) 742-4001 to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our treatments.